
Showing posts from October, 2017

Acupuncture for Hormone Therapy

As a woman , we know that the state of our sexual health and changes in our periods can be a major indicator of public health and health problems. A colleague at work recently saw her doctor, she was gaining weight, had irregular periods and was just feeling generally cumbersome and absent. It turned out that she had an undiagnosed case of polycystic ovary syndrome (ECOS) that she was playing with her hormones, and significantly increased the amount of testosterone in her body. As anyone knows about this condition, it can have significant effects on how you live your life, including fertility and reproductive health. As well as generally messing with the body by destroying the delicate balance of hormones it needs to keep itself stable and healthy. My friend said that the doctor had prescribed her metformin and hormone stabilizing tablets. Apparently, they were working, but they were not particularly happy with the idea of ​​taking the pill for the rest of her life, so she wa